About Us

The Al-Faiz trust was established in 1980 with the aim of providing education and improved life opportunities for the poor with a particular emphasis on helping male and female orphans in Pakistan. All children are provided with free accommodation, education, food and medical treatment. The number one priority of Al Faiz trust is to provide education to those who are amongst the most vulnerable members of Pakistani society thereby giving them a firm foundation and improved prospects for the future. As well as providing essential educational support the trust also provides for children on an individual basis. Each child is mentored and support is given as is necessary for each case. Presently the trust provides for 100 students but is looking to expand to 500 with the subsequent increase in staff numbers. 

It is the brainchild and realization of the lifework of Allama Faiz Ahmad a prominent scholar and pedagogue hailing from Gujrat in Pakistan who was committed to spreading the light of knowledge and worked indefatigably for over 50 years to stress the significance and virtues of literacy and education. The three most prominent languages in terms of Islamic literature are Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Allama Faiz Ahmad had great familiarity with literature in all three of the aforementioned languages.

Through his studies Allama Sahib gained an in-depth understanding of Tafsir ul Qu’ran, Hadiths, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), and Seerah (biography of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)). His three sons who helped to teach hundreds of students to uphold the historical connection between education and Islam continued the mission of Allama Sahib. This noble mission is now being carried on by the third generation who strive to promote enlightenment, reconciliation and the brotherhood of humanity.

Whilst the Al-Faiz trust has the noble aim of alleviating the suffering of the general underprivileged, downtrodden, chronically sick and exploited population, it recognizes that orphans occupy a precariously vulnerable position in society and has adjusted its priorities accordingly. Orphans are particularly exposed to grinding poverty and other societal tribulations in developing countries like Pakistan and India.

The future of Al-Faiz Trust

In the future Al Faiz seeks to branch out into other areas. In particular the trust wishes to promote religious harmony and increase cooperation between different faiths in the UK and providing community services free of charge. Finally, Al Faiz aims to aid in the task of disaster relief by coming to the aid of those afflicted by natural or man-made catastrophes. The trust would provide aim by an immediate emergency response followed by long-term assistance to those caught up in the disaster area. Disaster relief aid would be in the form of essential foodstuffs and equipment such as tents and blankets.

A tradition of helping those less fortunate including orphans

There is a long tradition of protecting and being solicitous towards orphans in Islam going back to the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) was an orphan himself and was well aware of the hardships and dangers facing children left alone in the world. As a result of his own experiences and impeccable disposition Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) set the benchmark for others to follow with regards to caring for orphans.

The words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) demonstrate the enormous benefits in this world and the hereafter one can gain by providing support and sustenance for orphans. Al-Bukhari narrated on authority of Sahl that Muhammad (peace be upon him), said: “I and the custodian of an orphan are like this (together) in Paradise (and he joined his four finger and middle finger together).”

Ibn Maja also narrated on authority of Abu Huraira that Muhammad (peace be upon him), said: “The best Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is well treated; and the worst Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is badly treated.”

Muslims today should be in no doubt that the alleviation of suffering of orphans and poverty stricken children is an act that pleases Allah (swt) and His Messenger (peace be upon him). By extending love towards unfortunate children one is following in the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his pious companions and the friends of Allah (swt).